Why do we need interpretation doctrine?
- Factual causae and legal causae : the role of interpretation and causality principle ( fakta berubah-ubah dari waktu ke waktu)
- The arising of scientific interpretation : the issue of legal certainty. Scientific certainty is the development of science and technology ( ilmu pengetahuan semakin hebat sehingga membantu keakuratan dalam interpretasi)
- Method of finding law : methods legal reasoning thorough three steps process. The doctrine of precendents: a position descriptive of the first case in made into a rule of law and then applied to a next similar situation. ( bagaimana mencari hukum baru: hukum yang sudah ada, ditafsirkan dan menjadi hukum baru, putusan hakim yang diikuti berulang-ulang menjadi hukum baru )
Three steps process:
- Similarity is seen between cases; next the rule of law inhent in the first case is announced; then the rule of law is made applicable to the second case ( hukum yang lahir dari putusan hakim, tetapi hakim yang ke 2 yang dapat menyatakan bahwa putusan hakim pertama menjadi hukum baru yang tetap)
- A method of applying general rules of law to Diverce fact in short, as though the doctrine of precedent meant the general rules, once properly determined, remainded unchanged, and then
- were applied. (Putusan hakim pertama yang diikuti oleh hakim kedua dan ketiga dalam kasus yang sama, maka menjadi hukum baru yang benar-benar tetap)
- The finding of Similarity and difference is the key step in the legal process (perubahan hukum ditentukan oleh fakta)
The finding of new law or interpretation is needed
- When the law (act) is OBSCURE (not clearly defined) #hukum tidak jelas
- When the law (act) is not ADEQUATELY REGULATED #hukum tidak cermat
The doctrine of interpretation is the method of finding law in the text of law or act within the scope of its language related to certain fact. # menemukan hukum baru dengan cara menginterpretasikan hukum yang sudah ada dengan pengertian yang lebih tepat menurut orang itu sendiri
The judge is interpreted law into certain fact.
Mochtar Kusuma Atmadja, law definition: judge know the certain fact and theory of fact so it must be interpretate to the certain fact. # casuality principle is legal reasoning, related to the fact.
Law has authentic interpretation thorough the elucidation of the law and its provisions #pegang penjelasan dalam UU baru dari buku/teori yang ada. Interpretasi dapat dikurangi atau dibatasi bila ada penjelasan di tiap pasal.
#hukum lama yang masih berlaku, hkm itu diinterpretasikan dengan interpretasi baru shg disebut hukum baru.
Interpretation doctrine and the reasons
- Grammatical interpretation : interpretation based on the language #secara eksplisit ditulis di UU
- Systematical interpretation : interpretation from general principle to act, used as a guideline
- Historical interpretation : can be used as background
- Social interpretation : from community point of view
- Comparative interpretation and scientific interpretation : can compare the law with other country but depend on the case
The doctrine of interpretation
- Authentic interpretation : is not part of the doctrine, because this is already explicitly provided in the law (act) elucidation #interpretasi resmi tidak sama dengan interpretasi yang sudah dijelaskan dengan jelas
- Grammatical interpretation: is a simple method of interoretation, because this is already recognized as the daily language of the people ( linguistic rules) # hanya interpretasi hukum yang tersedia diterjemahkan dengan bahasa sehari-hari
The legal language of the text (act) is generally the OBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION.
#grammatical dianggap paling objektif karena tidak jauh
The reason of finding law in the text (act)
- Law in book is different with the lawin action # realita dan buku tidak sama
- The legal language in the text (act) is a general probably act, but the case is specifict legal act. Therefore, adjustment process is needed to meet a reasonable verification to thefact and justice #butuh fikiran yang diakurasi dengan kenyataan di lapangan.
- Like the doctrine of precedent, the method of similarity and difference is the key word. #to get the judgement.
No general rule for interpretation
- The method of interpretation is the free will of the judge though the doctrine within the characteristic of the fact and outlook and justification (also scientific verification) of the legal act. #interpretasi:kebebasan hukum melalui doktrin didalam karakteristik pedoman dan keadilan.
- The decision is generally a result of dispute settlements procedure (the law of procedure). #keputusan: proses dari prosedur (hukum acara) => membantu agar aplikasi dapat lebih fleksibel.
- The method of interpretation is a supporting tool of legal instrument. #metode interpretasi dipandu melalui instrumen hukum
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